Dog & Cat Fur trade cruelty
WATCH THIS VIDEO to see what REALLY goes on....Also try and scroll down to CHINESE FUR FARMS in the GENERAL section....The above videos ARE horrific, but just like myself, i DIDNT want to see them, but because i did watch them, im doing something about it, so i BEG YOU from the bottom of my heart, however much you may wish NOT to watch these videos, please DO IT JUST ONCE, for the sake of these Animals, and you will see EXACTLY what i mean....Then please, for every one of those poor cats & dogs, who you see crammed into cages, crying, helpless, and destined for a hideous death, just give all those animals who are now dead, just ONE reason to make sure they didnt die for nothing....Be a voice for them all by going online and signing the many petitions, asking for this barbaric cruelty to be banned and stopped....There is NO REASON in the World why ANY animal should be SKINNED ALIVE, so that their Furs can be sold for a few Dollars, to be imported into Europe, often miss-labelled as FAKE fur.These Dogs & Cats are NOT just Strays..Many are PEOPLES PETS, stolen for their Furs, and many are alive for up to half an hour AFTER being skinned, screeching in agony!! PLEASE HELP THEM..thank you.Living in North East England, i shall be at THE MONUMENT (Ncle) on my days offwork, with a petition book, so please come along and sign it...Also if you need any info, advice, email me at or visit my website & scroll down to the Animal Cruelty section at
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