Thursday, June 22, 2006


Everyday, 1000s of Dogs & Cats are abused & killed, not only in China, but also in Europe, so that their Fur can be used & exported, often as FAKE fur, to many Countries throughout the World...
If you feel you CANNOT watch the videos i have posted, then here is a description of what REALLY goes on in China.....

Cats & Dogs are raised in squalour, or simply stolen off the streets, many still wearing collars, and they are crammed into cages, barely able to breath or move, the cages are thrown onto waiting lorries, to be carted off to Markets, then thrown from ahigh, smashing the legs of the animals, as they crash to the floor...

The people in these Markets, laugh, as they stamp upon the legs of the dogs whose legs poke through the holes in the cages...
Then one by one, the poor dogs look on in terror, as they watch each animal dragged away, then either they are hit on the head with wood, or tied up so they cannot bite, and are then stabbed in the groin and bled slowly to death, or are simply skinned alive, screeching and howling in pain, as the other animals cower in terror...

The fur is torn from their backs, for the sake of a few dollars, and the animals are thrown onto heaps of dead and dying animals, many still alive for up to half an hour, before death finally releases them from their living hell...

I DO UNDERSTAND why people eat these companion animals(although i DONT agree with it), but i understand its their culture...I mean we ourselves eat sheep, cattle etc without a 2nd thought, so its the same for them, but what i CANNOT understand is why any animal should be TORTURED AND SKINNED ALIVE for their fur???

All i can summise is that the people doing these horrific things have black hearts, but as ive always believed, oneday it WILL come back to them, and all i can say in summarising, is that i hope that in their NEXT LIVES, they themselves will suffer the same way...


Blogger iamhere said...

This has got to be stopped~ NOW! The world's media need to bring this to the attention of the public.

Boycott Chinese goods, until they see sense.

Let everyone know what they can do to help.

Someone needs to help these animals asap.
This has been posted on many websites and notice boards. So hopefully things will start happening to stop this sick trade soon.

3:36 PM

Blogger SteveH said...

The image of the Alsation being skinned will haunt me until my dying day. The thought of toy cats and other toy animals being made from real fur utterly disgusts me.
Fur is for the animal.
Keep the fight up!!!!!!!!!!!!


3:54 PM

Blogger sinead said...

You know we are all carrying out cruel things to each other every day but at least we have voices to defend our selves in some way ..but when it comes to the poor defenseless animals people who regard themselves as humans and supposidly humane carry out these actions... there is obviously something very wrong with the definition of humane then...why do these people not see or HEAR what they are doing...keep at it Gary..

4:29 PM


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